Welcome to this Flying High class 3 EVS worksheet with answers. This ncert class 3 EVS chapter 8 worksheet is prepared by our expert teachers and follows the syllabus prescribed by CBSE.
Flying High class 3 EVS worksheet
These questions are based on the chapter Flying High for the class 3 evs and this worksheet is in accordance with the NCERT book. Practice these questions for better grades in school. Do not forget to check the Flying High MCQ Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 for this chapter.
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NCERT class 3 EVS chapter 8 worksheet
Name the following:
- Birds have different types of what?
- What do some birds eat that others do not?
- What do feathers help birds to do?
- What sound does the mynah make with its neck?
- What do some birds do to imitate human speech?
Give two examples of each:
- Woodpecker
- mynah
- crow
- Family tradition
- Family member who is your role models
FIll in the blanks:
- Before the rain I cry aloud_______.
- ________love to imitate people’s voice, and keep making a lot of noise
- The vulture is what you call me. Black are my feathers and black is my
- In houses, I make my home. A __ is how I’m known.
- Stitching leaves I make my home. The __ bird is how I’m known.
True or False:
- Birds can fly but cannot walk.
- All birds have the same beak.
- Owls can rotate their necks 360 degrees.
- Feathers of birds help them to fly and keep them warm.
- Birds eat only fruits.
Identify the images
Short answer type questions
- What is the significance of feathers for birds, and how do feathers help birds survive in their environment?
- How do people who cannot hear or speak communicate?
- How do different beaks of birds reflect their dietary habits?
- How can observing birds in their natural habitat help children learn about the characteristics of different birds?
- What would happen if birds could not fly, but only walk on their feet?
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