Welcome to this A House Like This class 3 EVS worksheet with answers. This ncert class 3 EVS chapter 18 worksheet is prepared by our expert teachers and follows the syllabus prescribed by CBSE.
A House Like This Class 3 EVS Worksheet
These questions are based on the chapter A House Like This for the Class 3 evs and this worksheet is in accordance with the NCERT book. Practice these questions for better grades in school. Do not forget to check A House Like This MCQ Class 3 EVS Chapter 18 for this chapter.
NCERT class 3 EVS chapter 18 worksheet
Name the following
- What is a letterbox?
- How did Reena’s letter reach Ahmed?
- What is a stamp?
- What is a post office?
- What is a telephone?
- Box
- Post
- Mark
- Office
- Device
Give two examples of each
- What do you need to make a letter-box?
- How did Reena’s letter reach Ahmed?
- What can you do at a post office?
- How can you make your own telephone?
- What can you discuss in the class related to gender?
- Empty shoe box, red paper or paint, scissors
- by a postman, stamped, sorted
- Send and receive letters and packages
- Using two empty matchboxes or ice-cream cups and a thread
- Gender biases and roles in society
Fill in the blanks
- After getting stamped, the letter was sorted as per the __________ mentioned in the address written on it.
- The postman dropped the letter at Ahmed’s ___________.
- To make a letterbox, take an empty ___________ box.
- Collecting different types of ___________ and pasting them below can be a fun activity.
- To make a telephone, you need two empty ____________ or ice-cream cups and thread.
- area
- house
- shoe
- stamps
- matchboxes
True or False
- Reena wrote a letter to Ahmed using a pen and paper.
- The letter reached Ahmed’s house directly without going through any process.
- The postman put a stamp on the letter before sending it to the sorting office.
- The letter reached Delhi by air.
- A post office only deals with letters and has nothing to do with other types of items.
- True
- False
- True
- False
- False
Answer the following questions
Question 1. How did Reena’s letter reach Ahmed?
Answer: It reached Ahmed by post, after being sorted and stamped at the post office.
Question 2. What do you need to make a letterbox?
Answer: You need an empty shoebox, red paint or paper, and scissors to make a slit in the cover.
Question 3. What can children do to learn more about the postal system?
Answer: They can visit a post office and observe how letters are sent and received.
Question 4. What types of items can be sent through the postal system?
Answer: Letters, postcards, packages, and other items can be sent through the postal system.
Question 5. How can you make a simple telephone?
Answer: You can make a telephone with two empty matchboxes or cups, and a thread passed through holes in both ends.
Identify the images
- Stamp
- Post-box
- Telephone
- Letter
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