This page contains MCQs and true-false-type questions regarding Chapter 16 A busy month for class 4 Environment Science. It is chapter 16 of the NCERT book. All of the questions have been answered.
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A busy month Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. What time is mentioned in the text when the sun is burning hot?
a) 1 o’clock
b) 2 o’clock
c) 3 o’clock
d) 4 o’clock
Question 2. Which bird is mentioned as making its nest among the thorns of a cactus plant or a mehendi hedge?
a) Crow
b) Dove
c) Sparrow
d) Pigeon
Question 3. What kind of nest does the Indian Robin make?
a) A nest made of grass, soft twigs, roots, wool, hair, and cottonwool
b) A nest made of different materials, including spider’s cobwebs
c) A nest stitched together using leaves
d) A nest made of various things, including pieces of wire and wood
Question 4. What kind of sound does the barbet or coppersmith bird make?
a) Chee chee
b) Tuk tuk tuk
c) Chirp chirp
d) Caw caw
Question 5. What does the tailor bird use to stitch together leaves for its nest?
a) It’s claws
b) It’s beak
c) It’s feathers
d) It’s tail
Question 6. How does the sunbird’s nest hang?
a) From the branch of a small tree or a bush
b) From a high tree branch
c) From the roof of a building
d) From a cactus plant
Question 7. What does the weaver bird use to make its nest?
a) Sticks and grass
b) Mud and clay
c) Soft twigs and cottonwool
d) Beautifully woven materials
Question 8. What do the parent birds feed their chicks?
a) Fruits
b) Seeds
c) Insects and other things
d) Nectar
Question 9. What is the first step for birds during the busy month?
a) Making a nest and laying the eggs
b) Feeding the chicks
c) Flying and singing
d) Migrating to another place
Question 10. Which bird is mentioned as making its nest on top of a cupboard, behind a mirror, or on a ledge?
a) Pigeon
b) Dove
c) Sparrow
d) Crow
Question 11. What is the primary purpose of a bird’s nest?
a) To live permanently
b) To store food
c) To lay eggs and raise chicks
d) To hide from predators
Question 12. Which bird lays its eggs in a hole in a tree trunk?
a) Sunbird
b) Koel
c) Barbet
d) Indian Robin
Question 13. Which bird makes a nest by stitching two leaves together?
a) Tailor Bird
b) Weaver Bird
c) Indian Robin
d) Sunbird
Question 14. What bird is known for its sweet singing?
a) Koel
b) Crow
c) Sparrow
d) Pigeon
Question 15. Which bird does not make its own nest but lays its eggs in a crow’s nest?
a) Dove
b) Koel
c) Sparrow
d) Pigeon
True or False
- The sunbird’s nest is made of materials like hair, grass, thin twigs, dry leaves, cottonwool, bits of tree bark, pieces of cloth rags, and spider’s cobwebs.
- The Indian Robin’s nest is made of hard twigs and leaves, making it uncomfortable for the chicks.
- The barbet or coppersmith bird is known for its ‘tuk, tuk, tuk’ call and makes its nest in a hole in a tree trunk.
- Weaver birds create woven nests, but the male and female work together to build the nest.
- Pigeons prefer to make their nests in new and active buildings.
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