Welcome to this Anita and the Honeybees class 4 evs worksheet with answers. This ncert class 4 evs chapter 5 worksheet is prepared by our expert teachers and follows the syllabus prescribed by CBSE.
NCERT class 4 evs chapter 5 worksheet
These questions are based on the chapter Anita and the Honeybees for the class 4 evs and this worksheet is in accordance with the NCERT book. Practice these questions for better grades in school.
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Name the following
- She (Her name) lives in Bochacha village, Muzzafarpur, Bihar.
- She keeps these small insects.
- It is a story related to the part of this extraordinary story project.
- This is called the process of keeping bees.
- This is the period when the honeybees lay their eggs.
Answer the following
Write the prices of the things that Anita bought. Also, she earned while teaching apiculture.
- Box for beekeeping
- Collected the money while teaching the young children
- Cost of 1 Kg of honey
- Quantity of honey contained in one box
- Cost of 20 boxes
Fill in the blanks
- Anita has _______ young brothers.
- She teaches ________ children.
- _______ trees surround Anita’s school premise.
- Anita’s mother prepares __________ for the bees.
- Every beehive has one ___________ that lays eggs.
True or False
- Buchacha village is located in Karnataka state.
- Every beehive has two Queen bees that lay eggs.
- Anita taught everyone the value of education and she also shared her ideas with the other village members.
- The worker bees are responsible for creating beehives and looking after the baby bees.
- The worker bees identify the nectar by doing a special type of dance.
Identify the images

Short answer type questions
- Where does Anita live?
- How many brothers does Anita has?
- What does Anita do?
- What was the cost of 1 kg of honey that Anta offered to the villagers?
- What was the cost of the bee box?