Welcome to Class 4 evs chapter 1 question answer on the topic of going to school. On this page find important extra questions for this NCERT book for Class 4 EVS chapter 1 Going to school.
Class 4th evs chapter 1 question answer
The questions found on the Going to school class 4 evs worksheet with answers have been prepared in a manner that is consistent with the NCERT book. Getting more practice with these questions will help you achieve better grades in school.
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Name the following
- It is made of plastic, wood and metals. It is used to make things easier to lift.
- It is used to cross wide and deep rivers and is made of rope and wooden boxes.
- A lot of people can cross at a time, and vehicles and animals can also walk on this.
- Desert of India.
- Kerala is famous for ________ boat race.
- Pulley
- Trolley
- Cement bridge
- Rajasthan
- Vallam kali
Write the name of the state in which these ways are used to go to school:
- Trolley
- Jugad
- Vallam
- Rocky path
- Bamboo bridge
- Pulley
- Trolley
- Cement bridge
- Rajasthan
- Vallam kali
Fill in the blanks
- The front part of _________ looks like a motorcycle.
- Vallam is used in _________.
- __________ bridge is safer and easier to cross and walk.
- The student of _________ area face difficulty to go to school.
- Different _________ have different kinds of way.
- Jugad
- Kerala
- Cement bridge
- Mountains
- State
True or False
- Bullock cart is used in northern hills.
- No, animals are used to make a vehicle.
- Jugad sounds phut- phut- phut when it runs.
- With the help of a pulley, it is easier to lift things.
- The bullock cart wheels are made of wood and iron rims.
- False
- False
- True
- True
- True
Identify the images

- Bamboo bridge
- Camel – cart
- Rocky path
- Uniform
- Cement bridge
- Bullock- cart
- Bicycle ride
- Jugad
- Trolley
- Vallam
Answer the following questions
- Write the name of two ways which are used to go to school in the plain region.
- Name any two material which is used to make a bamboo bridge.
- Write the name of the state in which the bamboo bridge is used.
- Cement bridge is also used for?
- Write the name of the material used to make the cement bridge.
- Bullock-cart and Bicycle ride.
- Bamboo and rope.
- Assam
- Cement bridge is also used for transportation.
- Cement, bricks and iron rods is used to make cement bridge.
Match the following
Column 1 | Column 2 |
1. Jugad | a. Plain |
2. Trolley | b. Rajasthan |
3. Bullock cart | c. Gujrat |
4. Camel cart | d. Kerala |
5. Vallam | e. Ladakh |
- c
- e
- a
- b
- d
Unscramble the words
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. Which of the following way is used in Kerala to reach school?
a. Bullock cart
b. Camel cart
c. Vallam
d. Cement bridge
Question 2. Which of the following is made of cement?
a. Cement bridge
b. Bamboo bridge
c. Trolley
d. None of these
Question 3. Which of the following animal is used to make a bullock cart?
a. Cat
b. Ox
c. Camel
d. All of the above
Question 4. Which of the following way is used in plains to reach school?
a. Bullock cart
b. Camel cart
c. Vallam
d. All of the above
Question 5. Which of the following is also called a wooden boat?
a. Cement bridge
b. Camel cart
c. Vallam
d. None of the above
- c
- a
- b
- a
- c
Answer the following questions
- How many types of ways do we use to reach school?
- What is the trolley and where is it used?
- Why do we need a cement bridge?
- In which state of India vallam is used to reach school?
- What do you mean by rocky paths?
- What do you mean by jugad?
- Where the jugad is used?
- Where the bullock cart is used?
- Name the animal which is used in the camel cart.
- Name the animals which are used for our work.
- We can use many types of ways to reach schools such as bamboo bridges, the trolley, cement bridge, Vallam, camel-cart, bullock carts, cycle carts, and jugad.
- It is a strong iron rope across the river. On both sides, it is tied tightly with strong trees or rocks. There is a trolley (an open box made up of wood) attached to the rope. A pulley helps the trolley to move across the rope. It is mainly used in Ladakh.
- We often need to go across some water bodies, so we use bridges. These are made of cement, bricks and iron rods and is called cement bridge.
- In Kerala, state vallam is used as a way to reach school.
- The paths are rocky and uneven. The children who live in the plains will find it difficult to walk on these.
- The jugad is made of motorcycle and planks of wood. The front part of jugad looks like a motorcycle but the carriage at the back is made out of planks of wood and it sounds phut- phut- when it runs.
- In Gujrat, state jugad is used to go to school.
- It is used in villages in the plains.
- Camel is used in camel carts.
- Oxen, camel, etc.
Going to school class 4 evs worksheet

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