Welcome to this A Snake Charmer’s Story class 5 EVS worksheet with answers. This ncert class 5 EVS chapter 2 worksheet is prepared by our expert teachers and follows the syllabus prescribed by CBSE.
A Snake Charmer’s Story class 5 EVS worksheet
These questions are based on the chapter A Snake Charmer’s Story for the class 5 evs and this worksheet is in accordance with the NCERT book. Practice these questions for better grades in school. Do not forget to check A Snake Charmer’s Story MCQ Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 for this chapter.
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NCERT class 5 EVS chapter 2 worksheet
Name the following:
- Who are Kalbeliyas?
- What is the name of the musical instrument played by Aryanath?
- What did Roshan Nathji make from plants collected from the forests?
- What do snakes eat in the fields?
- What is the Kalbelia dance inspired by?
Give two examples of each:
- kind of art is popular in Saurashtra, Gujarat, and South India.
- kind of animals were carried by the snake-charmers in bamboo baskets.
- kind of medicines did the snake-charmers make from plants collected from the forests.
- musical instruments used in the been party.
- kind of dance has movements similar to the dance of the snake.
FIll in the blanks:
- Aryanath is a ________.
- Snake charmers from Aryanath’s community are known as ________.
- The Kalbeliyas make medicines from plants collected from the __________.
- Aryanath’s father taught him how to remove __________ from poisonous snakes.
- The Kalbeliyas gift snakes to their daughters when they get ________.
True or False:
- Aryanath’s family are known as Kalbeliyas and are snake-charmers.
- Aryanath’s grandfather was famous for catching many poisonous snakes.
- Snake-charmers always keep their snakes in bad conditions.
- Aryanath and his cousins can form a been party to entertain people.
- Snakes are enemies of the farmers as they eat their crops.
Identify the images
Short answer type questions
- What did the snake charmer’s family do besides catching snakes?
- How did the snake charmer identify which snake had bitten a person?
- What did the snake charmer’s father teach him about snakes?
- What is the Kalbeliya dance?
- Why did the government make a law against catching wild animals?
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