Class 6 geography chapter 1 questions and answers
Welcome to this the earth in the solar system class 6 worksheets with answers. This worksheet contains important extra questions and answers for students that they can practice for checking their exam preparation.
This worksheet includes a variety of questions such as fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and short/long answer types. They also feature extra and important questions to challenge students.
Other important articles that will help you in this chapter are
- Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 Online Test
- Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar System MCQs with answers
- The earth in the solar system class 6 notes
The earth in the solar system class 6 extra questions
Fill in the blanks
- ……………….. are small, rocky objects that orbit the sun.
- The shape of the Earth is called ………………….
- A ……………….. is a natural object in space, such as a planet, star, or moon.
- A ……………….. is a large system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
- A ……………….. is a massive, luminous ball of gas that produces heat and light through nuclear fusion.
- A ……………….. is a group of stars that appear to form a recognizable pattern in the sky.
- The celestial bodies which have their own heat are called …………………….
- Patterns formed by a group of stars is called …………………….
- The word planet comes from ……………………. word “Planetai”
- The ……………………. is the centre of our solar system.
- The fixed path on which the planets move around the sun is called …………………….
- …………………….is no longer considered a planet.
- Moon is the only ……………………. of earth.
- ……………………. was a famous astronomer of ancient India.
- The moon moves around earth in about ……………………. days.
- The name of our galaxy is ……………………. and in Hindi we call it
- The earth is ……………………. nearest planet to the sun and it is ……………………. largest in size. Its twin planet is …………………….
- A huge system of stars is called a …………………….
- ……………………. is the closest celestial body to our earth.
- Asteroids are found between the orbits of ……………………. and …………………….
True/False Type Questions
- The moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. Answer:
- Pluto is still considered to be a planet in our solar system. Answer:
- Asteroids are only found in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
- Meteoroids that survive entry into Earth’s atmosphere and hit the ground are called asteroids.
- The sun’s intense heat is felt more strongly on Earth than on any other planet in the solar system.
- All the planets move around the sun in an elongated path.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
- What is a celestial body?
- Which planet is closest to the sun?
- What is a geoid?
- What happens when meteoroids enter Earth’s atmosphere?
- What is a shooting star or meteor called when it hits the ground?
- What is the moon’s size compared to the Earth?
Short Answer type questions
- Which planet is called a dwarf planet and why?
- What is a north star?
- Name the planet having the maximum number of moons.
- Why doesn’t the moon support life
- What is the order of the planets in our solar system from the sun?
- Differentiate between meteoroid and meteorite.
Long Answer Type Questions
- Why is Venus considered as ‘Earth’s Twin’?
- Why do we always see only one side of the Moon?
- Why is the Earth called ‘Blue Planet’?
- What is a constellation?
- Write down the main features of the moon.
Answer the following questions
- What is meant by the solar system?
- To which galaxy does our solar system belong?
- Name the planets which have rings around them. What are these rings made up of? Is it possible for us to see these rings?
- Which are the 2 types of movement of the planets?
- Why is Earth called a unique planet?
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